Sunday 25 October 2009

Love you long time

Fuck me. So the guy I live opposite is from UCLA and looks exactly like you imagine a person from California to look like. Don't know if he surfs, but he looks just like a surfer bum. However he's pretty smart and studies Chinese, so is very useful to go places with! More importantly he introduced me to some of the girls who are here from UCLA. The three of them are all of Asian descent and are all gorgeous. One of them, Winnie actually has an arse which could easily be used for bikini modelling. How do I know? Because we all went on a trip to some hot springs. So amazing hot springs and three real fitties in bikinis. Gosh what a day! It's a hard life.

In other new, constrained Monte-Carlo sucks. It better start working soon or I'm screwed!

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